We amplify your marketing with scientific methods.

A strategy agency by caring human beings

Fresh new post

Test headlines

And smaller ones

And this desing

About Artisan


Gold Effie 2016

Artisan just won a Gold Effie Award! Our campaign for Szallas.hu was the most efficient in travel & tourism category this year.


Silver Effie 2017

In 2017, one of Szallas.hu biggest competitors, Agoda.com spent 10x in Hungarian media, than Szallas.hu. And still, Szallas.hu could reach higher brand awareness with a more efficient campaign that we helped to design and execute based on a tremendous amount of research and testing.


Website of the year 2015

Our newsletter was the best in 2015! The Hungarian Marketing Association give to us the best electronic newsletter of the year award, for our newsletter made to McDaniel College Budapest.


Video of the year 2015

The Hungarian University and Press Association awarded the most talented student journalists, photographers and video makers. Our image video for McDaniel College won best higher education video of the year award.



3 months

+13% increased desktop

+62% increased tablet conversion

Vodafone Product Page

  • Why you should dramatically reducing the steps between your landing and your users' goal
  • See the importance of the responsive design
  • How we have sticked to branding guideline
  • Includes before-and-after images of product pages
View Case Study

3 weeks

Specific discount calculator

Clear and user friendly landing page

Vodafone Family

  • How to steer users from a simple online calculator to complete their purchase in the offline shops
  • Why you shouldn’t assume that your customers want to puzzle out complex informations
  • The importance of hierarchy and comprehensive icons
  • Includes before-and-after images of the landing page
View Case Study

2 months

+71% booking abroad

+20% CTR on redesigned banners

Szallas.hu Campaign

  • How to test offline campaigns in advance?
  • Specific creative tests we have tried
View Case Study

2 months

5800 sold tickets

Sold Out Event

Piano Guys Concert

  • What is common in classical music and popular music? And how we were able to launch a successful campaign in 2 months and help to reach the main task: to make a positive impact in the lives of people?
  • Here’s our step-by-step guide of what we exactly did!
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9 months campaign

110% more enrolled students

McDaniel College

  • This american college in Hungary needed to increase the number of their students with recoverable costs.Through market research, surveys, interviews and USP testing, we found the solution.
  • Click to see how!
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